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Career School Software

Today’s classrooms can’t function without the help of technological tools and knowledgeable financial aid experts. Like universities, vocational and trade schools must keep up with the times and implement cutting-edge systems and keeping an eye on ever-changing regulations to better manage their students and administrative tasks.

Our Career School Software Solutions

Like universities, vocational and trade schools must keep up with the times and implement cutting-edge systems to better manage their students and administrative tasks. Let Fame step in to assist you with our career school software. We offer customizable information systems and consulting services to fit your school’s needs. Here are a few of our software and service solutions to help you carry out your school administrative tasks.

Why Work with Fame?

With over four decades of experience serving over a thousand campuses across the United States and Canada, Fame has proven itself an industry leader in higher education management.

We’re dedicated to providing state-of-the-art school management software. As such, we partnered with companies with complementary technologies and solutions to offer better customer services for our clients. These organizations include:

  • Microsoft Partner
  • CIMA by Milady
  • Veri-Tax
  • Velocify
  • KlassApp
Trade colleges can experience the following results with the help of our career school management system:
  • The lead management solutions’ enhanced nurturing of prospective students leads to improved enrollment rates.
  • Better visibility at each stage of the student lifecycle provides more detailed information for developing the career school further.
  • Our solutions ensure that financial aid services fully comply with Title IV regulations.
  • Tools such as the student mobile app improve students’ learning experience, increasing overall satisfaction with the school.
  • Our career school software solutions increase efficiency across all career school management system processes.
  • Fame’s school management solutions can adapt as the career school’s population increases and adds more courses, ensuring long-standing consistency.

How our process works


Step 1

Onboarding call with our client.

Step 2

Fame configures and installs software on the school-side.

Step 3

Work with the school to input all data and train staff on how to use our software.

We will be with you every step of the way.

We Build Confidence

Ensure your career school’s efficient operations and compliance with federal regulations with the help of Fame’s top-of-the-line career school software. Our mission is to deliver comprehensive management solutions for higher education institutions, regardless of the project’s scale.

See our Suite of Software & Services

You can request a demo of our solutions or contact us for inquiries before deciding to partner with Fame. You may also browse our site to learn more about our school management services.

Contact Us Today & Get Your Free Consultation

Start your journey with us.


What is the goal of career school software?

Career school software typically has the goal of providing a comprehensive solution for managing the various aspects of running a career school or training program. This may include features such as student management, course management, scheduling, billing and invoicing, attendance tracking, and reporting.

The primary objective of career school software is to streamline the administrative processes of a career school or training program, allowing administrators and staff to focus on providing high-quality education and training to their students. By automating many of the administrative tasks associated with running a career school or training program, software can help reduce errors, save time, and improve overall efficiency.

Additionally, career school software may provide tools for tracking student progress, managing assessments and certifications, and supporting job placement and career development services. Ultimately, the goal of career school software is to help career schools and training programs provide the best possible education and training to their students while minimizing administrative burden and maximizing efficiency.