LOANS-22-04) FY 2019 Draft Cohort Default Rates Distributed Feb. 28, 2022
ED posted the Electronic Announcement on February 28, 2022 explaining that the 2019 rates were released, how to request them if they didn’t arrive in your mail box, and the timeframe for appealing. Although there are no sanctions or benefits associated with a draft cohort default rate, it is important to review the data used to calculate the rate for accuracy, because this data forms the basis of a school’s official cohort default rate. A school that fails to challenge the accuracy of its draft cohort default rate data through an Incorrect Data Challenge may not contest the accuracy of that same cohort data when it receives its official cohort default rate in the fall. Incorrect data is the most common error and even one student correction can make a difference in the final cohort default rate.
ED sent FY 2019 draft cohort default rate and accompanying documentation via the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) to most schools. This information was sent to the SAIG mailbox for the destination point administrator designated by the school. Each eCDR package contained the following information:
- Cover Letter (message class SHDRLROP)
- Reader-Friendly Loan Record Detail Report (message class SHCDRROP)
- Extract-Type Loan Record Detail Report (message class SHCDREOP)
Schools, not enrolled in eCDR may download their cohort default rates and accompanying Loan Record Detail Reports from the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS®) via the NSLDS Professional Access website. Also, schools that want a replacement copy of their CDR Cover Letter can now request it from the “Reports” tab on the NSLDS Professional Access website.
Guaranty agency FY 2019 draft cohort default rates will be provided electronically, and lender rates are available for download from the NSLDS website.
A school will not receive a report if there were no students in default.
All Incorrect Data Challenges (IDC) must be made through the eCDR Appeals application. Participation Rate Index Challenges (PRI) will continue to be submitted via hard copy through secured email. CDR Appeals is a web-based application that allows schools to electronically submit certain challenge and adjustment requests during the specified timeframes.
For more detailed information and resources, refer to the Electronic Announcement.
The start date for appeals begins on Tuesday, March 8, 2022.
For specific information regarding eCDR Appeals, visit the eCDR Appeals website, where you will find user guides for each of the challenge and adjustment processes, as well as a user guide for the registration process. For additional information regarding the school cohort default rate calculation or the challenge processes, refer to the Cohort Default Rate Guide.
For questions regarding Cohort Default Rates or appeals contact ED by emailing or by calling the Cohort Default Rates Group hotline at 202-377-4259.