Did You Know?
There are specific considerations that must be met in order for a school to be able to include the hours during which a student is at an academically-related professional “show” or “event” in its count of hours “attended” when determining that a student has completed his or her academic program.
FAME has been asked on several occasions about including “show” or “event” hours attended as part of completed program hours.
FAME sought guidance from the U. S. Department of Education (ED). ED advised that typically such hours at “shows” or “events” would not be included. The shows or events actually would have to be a part of their academic program curriculum to be counted. Further, if they are able to be counted, they would have to be treated like an internship, etc., where supervised instruction is still being provided at an off-site location. The school’s accrediting agency and its state approving agency would have to approve the program with those specific hours being taught in that manner.
If your show or event does not meet the above criteria you may not include them as hours “attended” for program completion.