In February 2013, the release of the draft cohort default rates to all eligible schools, guaranty agencies, and lenders was postponed. The release dates have been rescheduled, and the plan is to release 2-year and 3-year draft cohort default rates as follows:
- On March 18, 2013 the FY 2011 2-year draft cohort default rates are planned to be released
- On March 25, 2013 the FY 2010 3-year draft cohort default rates are planned to be released
All schools, both domestic and foreign, enrolled in the Electronic Cohort Default Rate (eCDR) process will receive their FY 2011 2-year and the FY 2010 3-year draft cohort default rate and accompanying documentation via their Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox. Any school not enrolled in the eCDR process may download their cohort default rate and accompanying documentation from the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) via the NSLDS Professional Access Web site.
The entire Cohort Default Rate Guide is available at Operations Performance Division’s Web site at